Wednesday, May 17, 2006

2006.05.17 Randy's Bert's Debut

Randy - Hungry Mountain (full order)
Jeff - French Toast
Dale - French Toast
Aaron - Oatmeal with bananas

Guess Who's "Spearheading" FCOG's New Website?
That's right, it's Randy. And, he's pretty excited about it. Looks like they're going with a nice portal / content management product called SiteWrench. I think their website is here. I think this is a good approach; because a portal product will provide a lot of out-of-the-box functionality and it can be managed and changed by non-programmers.

Back Packing Is On!
Both Aaron and Jeff are talking August backpacking trips to North Manitou. Hopefully they can respond to this blog with details. The church has some gear, which is very helpful if you know anything about backpacking.

The Beer Mirror
The Schlitz mirror Dale found in his closet and donated to the church garage sale ended up being snaged by Alex and is now sitting somewhere in the attic.

What Happened to Carl?
Carl was suppose to be at Bert's this morning but failed to show. We even sat at the big table. Come on Carl; what's up?

A Missing Zeb
Zeb had good reason to not show this morning. He is most likely at the hospital where his wife is having a baby! Congratulations in advance Zeb.

Software We Mentioned
Somehow, screen/video capturing tools came up.

Aaron mentioned a $20 tool called RoboDemo. This apparently has been acquired by Adobe and renamed "Captivate." Oh, and it looks to be around $400 now. The website for that is here.

Dale just came across a freeware tool for this called Wink. You can find that here. Dale has only used it for a day but found it to be pretty awesome (especially considering the $0.00 price tag).

Other WebSites Dale is Promoting for Some Reason
GMail - clearly the best online email (with the fewest and most unobtrusive ads)
Pandora - a really neat customizable radio station using a real neat Music Genome concept.
PodZinger - a place to search on podcasts that uses some incredible technology to index audio.

That's it for now.

yeah, I put down the mountain. Am I actually the first one to post a comment? Are you guys newby's to blogging?

So are you gonna put up a site feed so I can throw this into Google Reader?
Yes we are new to this. Thanks for getting the comments going!

I put the RSS and Atom Feed links up on the side-bar. I've tried to add a little something extra by routing our feed through

FeedBurner provides other services around the feed including some easier subscription mechanisms and even an email service. It should be a snap (i.e. no typing necessary) to subscribe on Google Reader or Google Personal Home Page if you click on the RSS Feed link.

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