Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Two More Glorious Fellowships

2006.05.31 - Poor Attendance
My 2006.05.24 entry, boasting about a booming 5 in attendance on the 24th was followed up by a poor showing on the 31st. We're hoping to rebound this week on June 7th.

Attendance & Menu Item
Dale - 1/2 Order of Hungry Mountain (trying to impress Randy)
Jeff - (sorry, I can't even remember! Please post and tell us.)
Aaron - aka the GodFather, (I can't remember what the GodFather ate either!)

Things Were Not Good in Dale's Belly
I remember, in detail, what I had on the 24th because I felt kind of queezy all day. I realize now that I should not be ordering Hungry Mountains. I don't think I'm man enough to contain it; to isolate it and control it; inside my belly. It affected my whole body; my equilibrium. So, I vow, from this day forward, I will refrain from eating Hungry Mountains. I'm not saying they aren't good; no, far from it, they are good (so good), but maybe they're not so good for me.

The Invisible Zeb
Something must be wrong because Zeb missed a Bert's and did not call for a Bert's makeup session. Could it be, that Zeb no longer needs Bert's fellowship? NO! "Father God, never let that happen; Please make Zeb love Bert's forever!" -- Amen.

I'm betting things are fairly busy at home with that new zeb-like baby girl. Zeb's a man that understands priority, and I'm sure he missed for a good reason.

Attendance - Arrival, Menu Item (written on the 24th, delayed posting)

Dale - First to arrive (like at 6:01 AM), 2+2+2 (eggs,bacon,sausage)
Jeff - Second to arrive (around 6:30 AM), a huge waffle covered with whip cream
Zeb - Late - 2+2+2 doubled-up on sausage
Randy - Late - HUNGRY MOUNTAIN, Full Order with Hot Sauce!
Aaron - Really Late, I don't even know what he ate

5 Bertaholics?
That's right, there were 5 of us today. When a new guy comes in two weeks in a row, chances are, they're hooked. Now, when ole Lex came for one week, that was it. He couldn't take it, but it looks like Randy is in. So, a "good job" goes out to Zeb & Jeff for recruiting a new member.

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