Wednesday, June 07, 2006

2006.06.07 Captain Bert's Log

Attendance & Menu Item (in order of arrival)
Dale - french toast on multi-grain w/peanut butter.
Jeff - Stack of 3 Pancakes w/whip cream all over the place.
Zeb - 2+2+2 w/eggs scrambled, two links, and two strips of bacon.
Randy - western omelet (a nice little change up to keep us guessing) Beta in the Works
Randy is ironing on the details and folks are starting to

Energetic Jeff
Jeff was a little perky today, as if he'd actually tried some coffee. The big question on Jeff's mind is whether or not to have wine at the wedding? I'm all for it, I won't come if there's no booze, I think Zeb is all for it too (NOT).

The Return of Zeb
Zeb came back to us and was as lovely as ever.

Dale Says No
Randy asked Dale a lot of questions but Dale kept replying "no." He's not a big volunteer other than every 3rd Sunday AM. Dale also says "no" to his old job and started working at a new place.

Aaron in Monterrey
Aaron apparently went down to Mexico but didn't collect things for the Merrill Monterrey Mission. I'm just messing with you Aaron, I just couldn't pass up another opportunity to post a link to my brother's site, which is here by the way.

A google search for "bert's breakfast fellowship" is here. Oddly enough, we're dominating the search results for this phrase :-) Here we are on

See a sweet video on the quantum physics double-slit experiment here.
See some dude doing an awesome robot dance here.
And finally, what is the truth? There is no mouse. here.

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