Wednesday, June 07, 2006

2006.06.07 Captain Bert's Log

Attendance & Menu Item (in order of arrival)
Dale - french toast on multi-grain w/peanut butter.
Jeff - Stack of 3 Pancakes w/whip cream all over the place.
Zeb - 2+2+2 w/eggs scrambled, two links, and two strips of bacon.
Randy - western omelet (a nice little change up to keep us guessing) Beta in the Works
Randy is ironing on the details and folks are starting to

Energetic Jeff
Jeff was a little perky today, as if he'd actually tried some coffee. The big question on Jeff's mind is whether or not to have wine at the wedding? I'm all for it, I won't come if there's no booze, I think Zeb is all for it too (NOT).

The Return of Zeb
Zeb came back to us and was as lovely as ever.

Dale Says No
Randy asked Dale a lot of questions but Dale kept replying "no." He's not a big volunteer other than every 3rd Sunday AM. Dale also says "no" to his old job and started working at a new place.

Aaron in Monterrey
Aaron apparently went down to Mexico but didn't collect things for the Merrill Monterrey Mission. I'm just messing with you Aaron, I just couldn't pass up another opportunity to post a link to my brother's site, which is here by the way.

A google search for "bert's breakfast fellowship" is here. Oddly enough, we're dominating the search results for this phrase :-) Here we are on

See a sweet video on the quantum physics double-slit experiment here.
See some dude doing an awesome robot dance here.
And finally, what is the truth? There is no mouse. here.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Zeb Sighting

Whilst I was pitching for the Marlins, my wife wondered over to the other softball field and found old Zeb sitting there with his boy. As it turns out, Zeb missed Berts for a good reason. It was definitely a higher priority (family related). All I'll say here is just that we need to keep old boy (and the family) in our prayers.

FCOG Coed Softball (A Favorite of Bert's Fellowship Members)
Sadly, Jeff's stacked power plant team beat Aaron and Dale's family/Whirlpool team by 1 lousy point. Moreover, one of Jeff's ringers hit Dale with a nasty line. Usually I catch'em with my cat-like reflexes working at full matrix-like speed, but this time I was too slow and got nailed just above the knee. My feelings are hurt, but I think I'll live.
Tomorrow is Bert's Fellowship Day!
Whoo Hoo! Today is Tuesday and tomorrow is Wednesday. Be sure to follow the checklist in order to get ready for Bert's. See you there.

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